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Pianos Are Fun!
Online Studio Policy
2023-2024 School Year
Lessons begin September 5th and continue through May 18
LESSONS: Private one on one live piano lessons online, or class piano lessons live online by Nationally Certified teacher are 45 minutes once a week with the exclusion of holidays. Lessons may be supplemented by video.
TUITION: Tuition for school year is averaged and divided into 9 equal payments September 1 through May 2. Invoicing and payments are handled through Square Auto pay on the 1st of every month, September through May 2.
ABSENCES: Being online is more convenient for avoiding absences. Therefore, absences will not be refunded. Online lessons provide the convenience of not having to leave your home during bad weather or illness. Online lessons provide opportunity and flexibility to travel and still continue lessons for those who have a digital instrument and high-speed internet. A missed lesson is still purchased teaching time for which payment is due. Lack of practice is not an excuse for a missed lesson. Please, notify me if you are unable to attend. In the case that I must miss a lesson, the lesson will be made up or refunded.
TERMINATION OF LESSONS: Students are expected to complete the school year. A notice of a minimum of one month is required and payable when terminating lessons. I shall be compelled to terminate lessons when a student is irregular in attendance, repeatedly fails to prepare assigned material, is uncooperative, repeatedly late payments, or in breach of studio policy contract.”.
DEPOSIT: A $125.00 deposit is required of every student for the school year. The deposit is due August 1. The deposit is designed to avoid additional monthly charges. It also confirms the student’s place in the schedule and includes fees for student activities, events, music, studio license, subscriptions, and guild.
THEORY POLICY: The online theory program with videos, and exercises online allow for more time and better quality of music education time spent during the lesson. We can now spend the entire lesson learning pieces with applied theory which provides better retention than just teaching to the test. Applied theory helps provide a better understanding of the harmonic structure, composition form, and mental memory for each piece.
STUDENTS RESPONSIBILITIES: Learning piano is a long-term commitment that requires time, effort, and consistency. Students are expected to read the assignments in Tonara on a daily basis and practice every day until the assignment goal is met. Consistency in Practice is the key to progress and is also the key to brain improvement. New Neural Pathways can only be created by consistent repetition. Follow the practice instructions given for each piece and be prepared to perform the piece at the next lesson. Keep up with your memorized pieces. Do assigned theory work. USE TONARA! Participate in studio events.
PARENTS RESPONSIBILITIES: Parents are encouraged to attend lessons even at home. You may need to assist with internet issues or switch platforms during the lesson. The parent, student, teacher triangle results in a more successful and confident student. It is the parent’s responsibility to schedule a regular daily practice routine and enforce it. Practice times should be 30 minutes per day for beginners, 45 for elementary and 1 hour for middle school and older. Be supportive and encouraging. Never threaten punishment for the lack of practice. Provide a worthy instrument tuned and in working order.
TEACHER RESPONSIBILITIES: Online lessons provide multiple camera views, specialized software, specific practice instructions and goals, and choice of video platforms for lessons. Events, performance opportunities and access to adjudicated events provide the opportunity for musical growth. Adjudication provides a second opinion from another teacher on the student’s progress . Performance opportunities also provide motivation for practice and a deadline for memory. Tonara provides studio, global and peer leaderboards as well as other practice incentives. There is now a Tonara store and coins are earned through recorded practice.
I believe it is important to keep up with technology in the studio and this school year will have more advanced computer, external microphone, new software and speakers on my end to project to you with more brilliance in video, better sounding audio, faster uploading and downloading for less lag-time.
It is important for teachers to continue to further teaching skills through continued education, workshops, webinars, conferences and more. Group lessons may be given in lieu of the private lessons to encourage social interaction among students. Group lessons, rehearsals, and recitals also provide , exposure to different learning styles of students, different musical styles and confidence building in performing for peers. Even online a performance can be nerve wracking for some.
Our summer camps provide the opportunity for a paid, live online master class or teaching session with a guest artist or teachers from across the Nation.
STUDIO HOLIDAYS: Labor Day, Thanksgiving: November 20-25
Christmas: December 22-Jan.
Spring Break: March 9-17
These major holidays follow the AISD calendar. Normally I attend the MTNA conference at the end of March. Which may be optional depending on current situations.
WEBSITE: Studio pictures, videos, or recordings of your child in lessons or studio events are sole property of PianosAreFun and Sharla Van Cleave, NCTM. These may be used for promotion purposes or award or performance recognition and may be published on the website or social media.
SUMMER LESSONS: In the summer of 2021 we began a new contemporary approach for summer lessons for all students. Your choice of online class lessons or video lessons with practice packets. The summer practice packet will include enough material for 6 -12 weeks (depending on the student). The practice packets will encourage creative thinking and provide off the bench activities pertaining to music in daily life. Think piano STEM or STEAM. This type of contemporary summer piano camp and is being used by leading teachers throughout the nation to help encourage creativity and fun as a break from the more serious nature during the school year. It will also show the student how music is carried with us wherever we go and what ever we do in daily life. Practice packets can be used while travelling or camping. Some parts may require internet, and other parts may be printed out ahead of time for use during areas of no internet or times of digital down time. Private lessons may be offered during the summer as well. If possible and venues present the opportunity, we may be able to have an in person group ensemble somewhere.
Calender of Studio Events (Time, Dates and places still pending)
TMTA Theory Test (Fall) November 5
Fall Studio Recital October 28
Christmas Performance December 14 or 21
TMTA Theory Test (Spring Testing) February 11
Springer Manly Music Festival January 27
AMTA Piano Solo Contest April 27
National Guild of Piano Teachers Auditions May 12-15
End of Year Studio Recital May 16
Acceptance of this studio policy is a binding contract between teacher, parents, and student. A check box and signature line are provided on the enrollment form for your acceptance of this policy.